Joomla Development

Joomla is a content management system developed in an open sources format that is commonly used to create websites and online web applications as well. Using PHP and MySQL databases, Joomla allows users to design and develop efficient applications on an open platform.

Joomla incorporates a variety of extensions that allow for additional options and features including templates, components, modules, plug-ins and language options. Other features that Joomla offers support for include RSS feeds, page caching, blogs, search and more!

As experts in open source development, Blue Hand creates Joomla websites for our clients based off our clients specific business needs and goals. Our dedicated team of experienced professionals have extensive domain knowledge in MySQL and PHP coding. We fully customize the design and content of a Joomla theme by installing and designing custom modules, plug-ins and other components. By building a new layout, design and structure for the website project, we deliver a solution that exceeds our client’s expectations time after time.

Our Joomla websites have been used for a variety of different uses and industries including corporate websites, corporate extranets, corporate intranets, corporate portals, community-based portals, organizational websites, online publications, small e-commerce websites, business websites, personal homepages and more! We ensure to keep the Joomla versions up to date to allow for enhanced security of the websites we deliver to our clients.